Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Me = Banana ? How true is that ?

I am a Malaysian Chinese and I studied in Chinese school during my primary and secondary education. Almost more than 90% of my school life are covered by Chinese speaking peers, students and community. However, still people often come over me and labeled me as "banana" due to my low literacy in Chinese language and focus more on the "international acclaimed" English language. I can converse moderately in Mandarin but when it comes to reading and writing, I'll be dead. My proficiency of English however, was not as fluent compared to a lot of potential people out there. During my school years, I have very little space to develop my speaking skills. It's totally like when you take initiative for yourself and try to talk to students in English, you'll be perceived as being arrogant or trying to show off. So, It just never happen to make improvement for me in Chinese school. I was timid and lack of personality. But for sure, I know I can do a lot better in English than in Chinese because I just felt comfortable with alphabets since i was young.

For all this while, I've been defending myself for a policy, the policy of focusing more on English language and "kind of dump" Chinese language. How do I defended it especially with "peer pressure" and the surroundings around ? Is by sticking and holding onto my policy, BUT I never voice out . Until recently i saw an article by one of the AIESEC friends named Wilson Ng....and his writing shows like this......

"When juniors in AIESEC comes to me and say they are not good in sales, Its understandable because they dont have any experience in sales at all..

When people came to me and said its difficult to speak on the stage, its understandable as how many of us had the chance and exposure to speak in front of a massive crowd when we were young…

When people come to me and tell me they can’t master English and they never will… this… I can’t understand at all..

I’ve been in the varsity for more than a year now and the people who are weak in english is still in the masses. A lot of people came to me last year and told me not to speak in english with them because they are inferior of that language. I totally understand your feelings but when will you ever have the initative to improve it? Graduation day or working periods?..

I’ve asked a lot fo people, including my juniors that what is the problem hindering them. And I can summarize everything into one word… PLATFORM

Most people are unable to find a proper platform for them to practise their language skill. A lof of them are blaming external factors such as peer pressures and so on, but to be honest, you dont need a platform like AIESEC to practice the language. You can always have the initiative to start talking to your friends in english. No matter how odd, as long as you take the lead, people will go your way…

I do stumble upon this answer before when I asked one of my juniors

“Its okay that I don’t master the English language. I can always work in China where my Mandarin is understandable there.”

This is so wrong. Have you ever wonder why would China hire another worker who works like a normal Chinese and speaks only good mandarin. They already have 1.3 billion of these people in China!! Do they still need you? What they need is an English speaking Chinese with mandarin skills..

I know, in the Malaysian working world, a lot of Chinese are getting frustrated over the english educated chinese bloke. Its not that the english educated chinese bloke works better or smarter, but they just convey the message better. "

“Our new immigrants know that in Singapore, without an adequate command of English, they cannot go far. The command of English is the decisive factor for the career path and promotion prospects of all Singaporeans.” -Lee Kwan Yew-

I agreed with his insights when he wrote : (i) ...What they need is an English speaking Chinese with mandarin skills.. AND (ii) Its not that the english educated chinese bloke works better or smarter, but they just convey the message better.

And last but not least, you should not question about identity, background, culture, tradition and etc because I am fully aware of me being a Chinese. I, still will worship(wrong) utilize(CORRECT) English language without forgetting my originality and roots.


  1. U should proud of urself coz u have this kind of self awareness!! U know ur root :)

  2. hey nicholas, you have a blog ! i didnt know that haha.
    btw, thnx for your comment..ya, we all agree that this kind of awareness is very important. =)
