Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today, one of my lecturers made a comment on homosexuals.

She described such community as "deviant" or "not normal".

What do you think ?

p/s : This is a random post.

p/s : I'm not sure how many readers I have or who follow this blog. but if you happened to walk past, leaving your comments/thoughts will be very much appreciated.



  1. what class is that? I think i missed out the talk. lol. well, i do think that homosexuals can be considered as deviants in a sense.Cos currently, homosexuality isn't something that is widely accepted in the society, yet. the concept sub-culture is often use when refering to homosexuals as this is viewed as something that differed from the normal culture of our society.

  2. So your point is that homosexuals are considered deviant base on the rejection and the abnormalities as what perceived by the society right ? haha.

    ps: thanks for dropping comment haha.

  3. Pharque that! If someone respects love, gender shouldn't be a problem at all. 'Deviant' is a strong word, definately an inappropraite word for this community. :)

  4. Liberalism : yea pharque that ! haha..i support your comment xD
